Happy birthday to meeeee!

So it’s my birthday today! *does the electric slide across webpage*

I’ll spare you all the cliche new-year-new-me talk. LOL. But I do hope and pray that this new year will be my best year yet(and my hair’s too, LOL)

So I’ve taken out my yarn braids and I’m wearing a puff!!!!! I’ve always wanted to do a puff/Afro puff but I thought my hair was too short until I saw a blog where someone with hair similar to mine did it. So I think this will be my go to style from now on, especially for work.
I’ll leave you with pictures of me and my birthday hair. Enjoy!

I see growth! 😀

Detangling was a feat but we pulled through

Look at my dog photo bombing!!




I’m off to eat more cake! Cakes and Cream’s red velvet is the truth!


Till next time guys,

9 thoughts on “Happy birthday to meeeee!

        • That whole hair type thing confuses me honestly; I’m never sure what type exactly my hair is. I think it’s 4c though cos I see people with hair that looks like mine and they say theirs is 4c. I recently bought Taliah Waajid’s Curly Curl Creme and I’ve used it a few times but usually I don’t use curl enhancing creams. As for the puff, don’t worry you’ll get there sooner than u think babe


  1. Hey Jen… I really loved the way your puffs came out. It’s so funnny How I got a red velvet cake for my birthday too! By the way from the that wash n go shot over there, your hair looks more of 4a/b-ish, Its still a twa, get some more length n u would be able to tell.


    • Hey Nafisah, thank you! Oh and happy belated birthday! About the cake, yay to red velvet(love eet!). I went by your blog yesterday and I thought “oooh I have to wear my puff with a scarf like this to work on Monday” lol. You see why the hair typing confuses me: you saw 4a/b and I saw 4c. You’re right about waiting to gain length to know for sure though cos already my curl pattern looks different from what it was when it was shorter.


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