Pounds and inches

Bonjour mes amis,

How have you been finding the first few days of 2015?

My year started off with a cold. And as someone who likes to sleep in their underwear(TMI or nah?) with the AC on the coldest, my cold is not getting any better.

I spoke to customers(My new job is in customer service) all day yesterday in the most irritating, nasal-congested voice.

Anyways people, while thinking about 2014 blog wise, I realized that I wasn’t the most consistent blogger at all! I had only 24 posts in the whole of 2014! That means 2 a month basically. I don’t think those are good stats. I’m thinking 4 a month i.e 1 a week should be the worst case scenario for a blogger. Scream not when I tell you that my other blog only had 1 post in the whole year! So this year, my aim is to be a bit more consistent with blogging.

I have thought about it and seeing as I might not have hair related stuff to talk about every so often, I might be dabbling in and posting other random stuff and tidbits of my thoughts and life on the blog. What do you guys think?

For today’s random dabble, let’s rein ourselves back in to the title of the post.

I need to lose some pounds and inches in 2015!

At the risk of giving you guys the story of my life, I used to be quite skinny and then I was quite fat and then I lost weight and now I don’t know what I am.


In 2015 I need to get that crop top body for real! Know what I mean? Who’s with me!

I need to cut out the junk food, eat healthy, watch my portions, not drink my calories, throw in some exercise(this is the hardest for me), think positively and just basically do it!

The reason why I’m blogging about it is so that I can be held accountable. By the end of 2015, I can look back on these words and see if I met or failed my goal.

-Do you want to lose some weight in 2015 as well?
-Any weight loss tips to give?
-What do you want to be held accountable for this year?
-Anything you’d like me to post more about in 2015?
-Anything you’d like me to start posting about in 2015?
Please share!

Whatever your goal might be this year, don’t forget to put it in words, make a plan and work towards it.

14 thoughts on “Pounds and inches

  1. Hey Jen, happy new year. I can’t really relate with your losing weight ish, ’cause I’ve never been a size 10 in my whole life. But I do want to lose some tommy fat though, ’cause I really want to get new belly button piercings, but not with this almost protruding pot belly thing I have going on. Lol please let me on on if you’ve got some tips, exercises are not my strong point either. Lol so.. Happy new year again. God bless your sweet soul xo
    Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone, powered by Easyblaze


    • Hi Rennie, your comment made me “aww”. Happy new year and God bless your beautiful soul too!
      For tummy fat, I think the main culprits are sugar and excessive carbohydrates. If you can focus on a low carb diet, no sugar, of course minimal oil/fats, more veggies, fruits, proteins and fibre and add some cardio and ab exercises, you’ll rock the hell out of that belly button piercing.
      I’ll take my own advice and do the same cos those crop tops won’t rock themselves


  2. Hi Jen. Happy new year. I want to lose some weight too but i must say you look good tho one has to stay healthy so all the best, hope you meet your goals.


  3. This is my resolution every year! I’ve always managed to gain a few at the end instad of losing it though :(. This year i’m deffo going to be croptop ready!!


  4. Pls share tips for us on how you got your 2013 look. I believe we should do wat works for us, because there will always be different diets. This is my year of weight loss and healthy long hair. I think u shud do a challenge where we post befores and afters. This will make us more accountable 😀


    • Chioma, you and challenges ehn! I would but it would be too much work for me honestly. For the 2013 me, I went on a low carb diet, substituted many foods for healthier options e.g white rice for brown rice, cut out junk food, watched my portions and added exercise. Working on doing that again


  5. Pingback: 2015 thus far | Nigerian and natural

  6. Pingback: Hi 2016! | Nigerian and natural

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